Our tasks
Serving Poland in the shadows
Pursuant to Article 6 item 2 of the Act of May 24, 2002 on the Internal Security Agency and the Foreign Intelligence Agency, the tasks legally assigned to the Foreign Intelligence Agency are carried out outside the Republic of Poland. The Foreign Intelligence Agency may perform activities, specified in separate regulations, on the territory of Poland, but only in connection with the performance of activities outside the borders of the country.
The tasks of the Foreign Intelligence Agency include:
- obtaining, analysing, processing and forwarding to the competent authorities information that may be significant for the security and international position of the Republic of Poland, as well as its economic and defensive potential;
- identifying and counteracting external threats to the security, defence, independence and inviolability of the territory of the Republic of Poland;
- protecting diplomatic missions of the Republic of Poland and their employees against activities of foreign special services and other activities that may be detrimental to the interests of the Republic of Poland;
- ensuring cryptographic protection of communications with Polish diplomatic and consular missions and providing courier service;
- identifying international terrorism, extremism and organised crime groups;
- monitoring international trade in arms, ammunition and explosives, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as goods, technologies and services of strategic importance for national security, and monitoring the international trade in weapons of mass destruction and their proliferation-related threats as well as the means of their delivery;
- identifying and analysing threats in the regions of tensions, conflicts and international crises, affecting the state security, and taking actions aimed at eliminating these threats;
- developing offensive and defensive cyber capabilities;
- undertaking other activities specified in separate acts and international agreements.
Apart from performing the abovementioned tasks resulting from the Act of May 24, 2002 on the Internal Security Agency and the Foreign Intelligence Agency, AW areas of interest include tasks specified in PM’s annual directives as well as the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland.